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PML - Plymouth Marine Laboratory

PML is a NERC Collaborative Centre. The research at PML is timely and highly relevant to UK and international societal needs and its research, development and training programmes have at their core the mission to contribute to the issues of global change, pollution and sustainability. As one of the world’s first truly multidisciplinary marine research centres, PML delivers research and solutions for national and international marine and coastal programmes.
It is an independent, impartial provider of scientific research in the marine environment, with a focus on understanding biodiversity and ecosystem function, which is critical to providing solutions in terms of measures of ecological sensitivity, biogeochemical cycling, scaling biodiversity and forecasting the role of the oceans in the Earth System. PML hosts the GLOBEC International Project Office and has been involved in many EC programs; current examples include EUR-OCEANS, MARBEF, MERSEA, and ECOOP. PML successfully co-ordinated the EC COST-IMPACT project and currently coordinates the EC FW7 MEECE program. PML is a leading institute for studying the effects of CO2 on the marine system both from ocean acidification and carbon capture and storage. It has developed innovative models that integrate CO2 chemistry, hydrodynamics and ecosystems and published one of the first papers describing ecosystem impacts from hypothetical CCS leakage. PML has also pioneered the development of experimental facilities used to test impacts of CO2 on benthic systems, researching a range of studies from nutrients chemistry to biodiversity, publishing 13 papers in the last 2 years. PML has a significant track record in delivering advice to policy bodies, evidence given to OSPAR and the London Convention regarding marine impacts has been used to help remove legal obstacles for wide scale geological carbon capture and storage below the marine environment.

PML’s Role in RISCS
PML will lead WP4 assessing impacts - numerical solutions, responsible in particular for WP4.2 developing an improved marine CO2 dispersion and novel impact model. PML will also lead WP2.1 bringing its expertise to direct the marine experimental manipulations and observations of CO2 impact and recovery. In addition PML will contribute to WP1, reference systems and scenarios and WP4 Integration and Dissemination.