BGR - Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources
The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) is the central geoscientific authority in Germany. The BGR provides neutral and independent advice and information about all geoscientific and natural resource issues to the German Federal Government. Furthermore, it advises ministries and the European Community and acts as partners in industry and science in all geo-relevant questions. It is subordinate to the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) and has a staff of around 700 people.
The BGR is partner in various CCS projects on national or EU-scale, eg. CO2GeoNet, CO2Remove, CASTOR, COORAL, CO2GeoCapacity, CLEAN, COAST and RECOBIO-2. Risk and feasibility studies are made for various potential reservoirs within the projects CO2STORE and GESTCO. The European network CO2GeoNet suits integrative purposes. The participation in these projects enabled an intensive contact to the industrial partners and an applied exchange of scientific results. Based on these intensive network, it is the central partner of the German government in all CCS-related issues, in the development of respective guidelines and directives, and also contributes to the IPCC reports.
BGR would play a major role in WP3 “Onshore field experiments” in assessing the impact of CO2 on microbial communities and important processes influencing the availability and fluxes of key nutrients, like C, N, P, S, in the soils. This might take place either directly or via microbial activities (eg. N- or C-fixation). Furthermore, BGR could contribute to measuring gas concentrations and their stable isotope composition.