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CO2GeoNet Venice open forum 2011

9th - 11th May 2011, San Servolo Island, Venice, Italy
RISCS partners presented some results from the project and held a dedicated workshop with stakeholders to discuss the 'guide for impact appraisals'

Dave Jones from BGS gave a presentation entitled 'Assessing impacts in terrestrial environments - results from the RISCS project'

Cinzia De Vittor from OGS gave a presentation entitled 'Assessing impacts in marine environments - results from the RISCS project'
BGS and Sapienza University of Rome held a workshop with industrial, policy maker and regulator stakeholders to discuss the 'Guide for Impact Appraisals' a key deliverable of the RISCS project. The workshops aims were to identify the key issues most relevant to the stakeholder groups that the guide is intended for. This workshop successfully identified a range of issues, which will be used to steer the development of version 2 of the Guide.